Six courses from the following:

SPE 250 Cognitive Development of Diverse Learners
SPE 255 Special Education Processes and Procedures
SPE 260 Evidence Based Effective Instruction in Educating Students Identified with a High Incidence Disability
SPE 263 Intensive Math and Content Area Intervention Approaches
SPE 266 Evidenced Based Effective Instruction in Intervention Approaches Educating Students Identified with a Low Incidence Disability
SPE 269 Positive Behavioral Supports - Evidence Based Behavioral Intervention and Prevention
SPE 360 Intensive Language Arts Intervention Approaches
SPE 363 Assessment in Special Education
SPE 366 Collaboration and Communication - Advocacy, Leadership, and Ethical Practice
SPE 390

Early Childhood Education majors are not permitted to take SPE 250 Cognitive Development of Diverse Learners and 255 to fulfill minor requirements.