Core Music Requirements:
MSC 115 Music Theory I
MSC 116 Music Theory II
MSC 117 Aural Skills I
MSC 118 Aural Skills II
MSC 150 Class Piano Instruction I
MSC 151 Class Piano Instruction II
MSC 206 Milestones in Music Recording

Two from the Following:
MSC 201 The Roots of American Music
MSC 202 World Musics
MSC 219 Jazz History - From Origins to Modern Expression
MSC 241 Introduction to Music History
MSC 242 History of Western Art Music, 1730-1950
MSC 343 20th Century Art Music

8 semesters of:
Individual Instruction (MUI)
Music Ensemble (MUE)
MSC 099 Recital Attendance

Core Audio Requirements:
MPR 111 Audio Engineering I
MPR 112 Audio Engineering II
MPR 211 Mixing & Mastering
MPR 212 Podcasting
MPR 214 Introduction to Music and Entertainment Industry
MPR 312 Sound Design for Games & Media
MPR 315 Vale (2 semesters)

Choose 1 of the following Concentrations:

Audio Engineering:
IXD 153 Electronics for Designers
MPR 213 Acoustics
MPR 311 Spatial Audio
MPR 313 Systems Design and Integration
MPR 314 Advanced Systems Integration
MPR 400 Internship (3 credits)
MPR 411 Audio Capstone Project

Audio Entrepreneurship:
ACT 131 Fundamentals of Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis
DCOM 311 Information Law and Ethics
DCOM 387 Social Media: History, Theory, and Practice
DCOM 485
MPR 315 Vale (2 semesters)
MPR 325 Music Entrepreneurship
MPR 400 Internship (3 credits)

Immersive Media for Audio:
DCOM 335 Augmented Reality
DCOM 337 Emerging Media Interfaces
IXD 153 Electronics for Designers
MPR 311 Spatial Audio
MPR 313 Systems Design and Integration
MPR 314 Advanced Systems Integration
MPR 400 Internship (3 credits)
MPR 411 Audio Capstone Project