Required courses:
BIO 111 General Biology I
BIO 112 General Biology II
BIO 201 Genetics
BIO 222 Human Physiology
BIO 306 Microbiology
BIO 323 Immunology
CHM 111 Principles of Chemistry I
CHM 112 Principles of Chemistry II
CHM 113 Introductory Laboratory I
CHM 114 Introductory Laboratory II
CHM 213 Organic Chemistry I
CHM 215 Organic Laboratory I
MAS 170 Elementary Statistics

One of the following:
CHM 214 Organic Chemistry II
CHM 216 Organic Laboratory II
BCMB 421 Biochemistry I
BCMB 430 Biochemistry Laboratory

2 additional courses from an approved list of Biology electives.

[All BIO courses have a co-requisite laboratory.]

The senior year is spent off campus at an accredited hospital school of medical laboratory science.  It is the student's responsibility to apply and become accepted into a hospital program.  Thirty-two semester hours of credit are awarded for the successful completion of the senior year.