Core requirements:
EDU 804 Research Methods in Education
EDU 805 Capstone Project

Plus one from the following: (may not be a course from the concentration/certificate courses)
EDU 840 Introduction to Designing Online Environment
EDU 841 Delivering Effective Online Instruction
EDU 850 Curriculum Principles and Processes
EDU 852 Social and Cultural Diversity in Education
EDU 861 Family, Community, and Agency Collaborations

Choose two concentrations/certificates from the following:

Autism Certificate
EDU 830 Characteristics and Etiology of Asd
EDU 831 Assessment for Instructional Planning
EDU 832 Instructional Interventions and Methods Across Settings and Grade Levels
EDU 833 Collaborating with Families, Agencies, And the Community

Comprehensive Curriculum & Assessment Certificate (CCA):
EDU 850 Curriculum Principles and Processes
EDU 851 Assessment Theory and Design
EDU 852 Social and Cultural Diversity in Education
EDU 861 Family, Community, and Agency Collaborations

Integrative STEM Education Certificate (STEM):
EDU 880 Introduction to STEM Education
EDU 881 STEM Education Systemic Reform
EDU 882 STEM Integrative Curriculum Design
EDU 883 Integrative STEM Education Practicum (3 credits required)

Modern Band Certificate (MBC):
MME 860 Modern Band Pedagogy
MME 861 Music of Modern Band
MME 862 Beginning Pedagogy and Methods for Guitar
MME 863 Beginning Pedagogy and Methods for Drums
MME 864 Beginning Pedagogy and Methods for Electric Bass
MME 865 Beginning Pedagogy and Methods for Keyboard
MME 866 Beginning Pedagogy and Methods for Contemporary Vocal Styles
MME 867 Creative Experiences in Modern Band
MME 887 Recording for the Music Educator
MME 888 Modern Band: Composition and Performance Ensemble

Online Teaching and Learning Certificate (OTL):
EDU 840 Introduction to Designing Online Environment
EDU 841 Delivering Effective Online Instruction
EDU 842 Assessing Online Learning
EDU 843 Professional Responsibilities in an Online Learning Environment

Social, Emotional and Behavioral Wellness Certificate (SEBW):
EDU 860 Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Wellness
EDU 861 Family, Community, and Agency Collaborations
EDU 862 Child Development & Social Emotional Learning
EDU 863 Community Outreach & Social Emotional Learning

EDU 805 Capstone Project