EXSC Requirements:

EXSC 100 Introduction to Exercise Health Professions
EXSC 101 Anatomy and Physiology I/L
EXSC 102 Anatomy and Physiology II/L
EXSC 123 Scientific Basis of Coaching
EXSC 202 Training and Conditioning/L
EXSC 210 Exercise Physiology Lab
EXSC 211 Introduction to Human Movement/L
EXSC 221 Fitness Instruction and Design
EXSC 240 Teaching Lifetime Activities
EXSC 241 Teaching Invasion Sports
EXSC 315 Principles of Human and Exercise Physiology
EXSC 420 Lifespan Health Promotion
EXSC 430 Nutritional Aspects of Exercise and Eating Disorders
EXSC 432 Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Prep (CSCS)

EDU Requirements:

EDU 245 Language, Cultural Diversity, and Academic Achievement: Grade 7 - Grade 12
EDU 367 Methods for Teaching Health Education (K-12)
EDU 368 Methods for Teaching Physical Education (K-12)
SED 115 Introduction to Teaching and Learning
SED 421 Content Area Literacy
SPE 250 Cognitive Development of Diverse Learners
SPE 255 Special Education Processes and Procedures

One from the following options:

SED 431 Practicum and Methods II
SED 440 Student Teaching


EXSC 460 Practicum Experience: Internship or EXSC 463 Practicum Experience: Research
EXSC 464 Exam Certification Preparation

Additional Requirements:

Completion of one approved literature course and two approved mathematics courses.
PSY 148 Health Psychology
PSY 220 Lifespan Development