Along with the English core, the following courses are required for the Literature specialization:
ENG 120 Introduction to Literature
ENG 220 Literary Theory and Its Applications
ENG 499 Critical/Making: Independent Integrative Research

Four from the following:
ENG 211 Myth, Mythmaking, and Mythologies
ENG 221 Survey of American Literature I
ENG 222 Survey of American Literature II
ENG 225 Survey of English Literature I
ENG 226 Survey of English Literature II
ENG 227 Survey of World Literature I
ENG 228 Global Science Fiction
ENG 229 Survey of World Literature II
ENG 321 Poetry
ENG 322 Environment & Literature
ENG 324 Shakespeare I
ENG 325 Shakespeare II
ENG 326 Major Poets
ENG 390 Special Topics-395 (with chair permission)
ENG 420 African-American Literature
ENG 421 Literature by Women
ENG 422 Literature Under/Against Oppression
ENG 423 The Literature of Native America