Required courses:
CSC 120 Introduction to Programming with Python
CSC 121 Advanced Python With Data Science Applications
CSC 241 Programming II
CSC 242 Algorithms and Data Structures
CSC 351 Software Architecture
CSC 362 Distributed Systems
CSC 499 Professional Experience
MAS 111 Analysis I
MAS 112 Analysis II
MAS 113 Introduction to Mathematical Thinking I
MAS 114 Introduction to Mathematical Thinking II
MAS 222 Linear Algebra
MAS 270 Statistics and Data Analysis

Take 3 courses from the following:
MAS 372 Statistical Modeling
Any CSC course at the 300 level or above, not already taken.


Take the following to complete the Data Science concentration:
DSC 340 Machine Learning & Predictive Analytics
DSC 350 Deep Learning
MAS 372 Statistical Modeling