Required courses:
ASC 281 Probability for Risk ManagementThis class provides an introduction to probability with a focus on applications to risk management in property/casualty and life insurance. We study fundamental concepts in general probability, counting problems, and probability distributions, both discrete and continuous, single-variable and multivariate. ASC 281 covers the material on SOA exam P - Probability. Prerequisite: MAS 112. 3 credits. |
ASC 385 Mathematics of FinanceThis course is an introduction to interest theory (including applications) and fundamental financial instruments. Interest theory topics covered include time value of money, annuities, loans, bonds, project appraisal, portfolios, duration, immunization, swaps, and the term structure of interest rates. These ideas are then applied to study various financing and budgeting methods for corporations. ASC 385 covers the material on SOA exam FM - Financial Mathematics and is designed to meet the SOA standards for Validation through Educational Experience (VEE) in the area of corporate finance. Prerequisite: MAS 112 or MAS 162. 3 credits. |
ASC 481 Mathematics of Life Contingencies IThis is the first part of a two-semester study of contingent payment models from both theoretical and applied perspectives. We look at survival distributions, present value random variables, benefits, premiums, reserves, and profit testing. ASC 481 and 482 combined cover the material on SOA exam LTAM - Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics. Prerequisite: ASC 385; Corequisite: MAS 371. 3 credits. |
CSC 120 Introduction to Programming with PythonThis course introduces the fundamentals of computer programming using the Python programming language. Topics include: variables, types, and assignment; iteration and conditional execution; functions, modules, and structured design; complex types and data structures. 3 credits. |
CSC 220 Actuarial Software StructuresThis course will explore technologies commonly used in the actuarial profession, including Excel, VBA, database design, and programming. Students will also study probability topics using these tools. Prerequisite: ASC-281, MAS-270 or MAS-371. 3 credits. |
ECN 101 Principles of MicroeconomicsThe course examines how individuals and firms make choices within the institution of free-market capitalism. Individuals decide how much of their time to spend working and what to buy with the earnings of their labor. Firms decide how much to produce and in some cases what price to charge for their goods. Together these choices determine what is produced, how it is produced, and for whom it is produced in our economic system. Fulfills requirement: Quantitative Reasoning. 3 credits. |
ECN 102 Principles of MacroeconomicsThis course extends the study of consumer and producer choices to discover how they affect the nation's economy. Macroeconomics deals with the economy as a whole as measured by the key variables of inflation, unemployment, and economic growth. Emphasis is on both Keynesian and classical theories and how they predict what monetary and fiscal policies can be used to affect these variables and reach national economic goals. Fulfills requirement: Quantitative Reasoning. 3 credits. |
MAS 111 Analysis IA calculus sequence for department majors and other students desiring a rigorous introduction to elementary calculus. Fulfills requirement: Quantitative Reasoning. Prerequisite: MAS 102 at LVC, or satisfactory score on the
math readiness test. This test is administered during New
Student Advising Days for incoming students or can be taken
by arrangement with the math department (717-867-6080)
Co-requisite: MAS 113. 4 credits. |
MAS 112 Analysis IISecond semester of a calculus sequence for department majors and other students desiring a rigorous introduction to elementary calculus. Fulfills requirement: Quantitative Reasoning. Prerequisite: MAS 111; Corequisite: MAS 114. 4 credits. |
MAS 113 Introduction to Mathematical Thinking IAn introduction to college mathematics for potential mathematical science majors. Corequisite: MAS 111. 1 credit. |
MAS 114 Introduction to Mathematical Thinking IISecond semester. Introduction to college mathematics for potential mathematical science majors. Corequisite: MAS 112. 1 credit. |
MAS 202 Foundations of MathematicsIntroduction to logic, set theory and proof techniques. Prerequisites: MAS 222 or ASC 281. 3 credits. |
MAS 261 Calculus IIIMultivariate calculus including partial differentiation, multiple integration, vector fields and vector functions. Prerequisites: MAS 112 or MAS 162. 3 credits. |
MAS 371 Statistical InferenceAn introduction to the mathematical foundations of probability and statistics, with a focus on estimation, sampling distributions, and hypothesis testing. This course is designed to meet the Society of Actuaries (SOA) standards for Validation through Educational Experience (VEE) in the area of mathematical statistics. Prerequisites: MAS 202; and ASC 281 or MAS 270. 3 credits. |
MAS 372 Statistical ModelingStudy of various modeling techniques including regression, decision trees, unsupervised learning, and time series methods with implementation in the computer language R. The course also provides an introduction to generalized linear models and generalized additive models. MAS 372 covers the material on SOA exam SRM - Statistics for Risk Modeling. Prerequisite: MAS 270 or ASC 281. 3 credits. |
One of the following:
ACT 131 Fundamentals of Accounting and Financial
Statement AnalysisThis course will provide students with an introduction to the fundamentals of the accounting system, basic financial statements, and SEC filings. You will learn how transactions get recorded in a business' financial records and become familiar with the concept of footnote disclosures. You will evaluate and analyze how financial statements are used by stakeholders and how information contained therein in collected. Students are not permitted to take ACT 131 if they have
previously completed ACT 151 with a C- or better. 3 credits. |
ACT 151 Financial AccountingBasic concepts of accounting including: accounting for business transactions, preparation and use of financial statements, and measurement of owners' equity. Restricted to Accounting, Actuarial Science, & Analytical
Finance majors. 3 credits. |
One of the following:
ASC 472 Loss Distributions and Credibility TheoryIn this course, we study various loss models as well as the process of selecting, constructing, and evaluating a model when solving an actuarial problem. We cover frequency, severity, and aggregate models, some advanced statistics topics, and credibility. ASC 472 combined with ASC 386 and MAS 371 covers the material on SOA exam STAM - Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics. Prerequisite: MAS 371. 3 credits. |
ASC 482 Mathematics of Life Contingencies IIThis is the first part of a two-semester study of contingent payment models from both theoretical and applied perspectives. We look at survival distributions, present value random variables, benefits, premiums, reserves, and profit testing. ASC 481 and 482 combined cover the material on SOA exam LTAM - Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics. Prerequisites: ASC 481. 3 credits. |
One actuarial exam administered by the SOA or CAS must be passed before senior standing is reached.
There is no Actuarial Science minor.
This curriculum covers the content of SOA Exams P, FM, IFM, STAM, LTAM, and SRM, and most content of Exam PA. The curriculum additionally covers some content of CAS Exams MAS-I, MAS-II, and Exam 5
For students transferring into the Department of Mathematical Sciences after having completed two semesters of calculus, the MAS 111, 112, 113, 114 requirement may be replaced with MAS 161, 162, and one other MAS course numbered 200 or higher, which is not otherwise used to fulfill the requirements of the student's major and is approved by the student's advisor.