Vernon & Doris Bishop Library

During summer 2016, Bishop Library underwent a dramatic renovation thanks to a generous gift from the Bishop Foundation. The reimagined space includes a greater number of collaborative group study spaces equipped with digital technology and wall surfaces for sharing and generating ideas, among other innovative changes.

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To find books, e-books, movies, music and more, search the library catalog. Choose the type of search you want to do and type in your search keyword(s). Use the additional search options link to access advanced search options, such as limiting by format, type, location, and publication year.

Newspaper, Periodical, & Reference Databases

To find articles, search the library’s online databases, which cover a variety of subject areas. Many databases provide full-text access to articles, as well as images, documents, and other information. Select from this menu to see databases listed by subject.

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To find resources to help you with research, search the library’s collection of online research guides, or LibGuides. LibGuides are multimedia guides created by LVC librarians to provide research assistance, library instruction, subject or class specific information. Type in your search keyword(s) or browse a list of research guides by topic or subject area.

Advanced Search

Easily discover all types of Bishop Library resources with Summon. Search for books & e-books, movies, music, articles, and more from the library catalog and a majority of the databases and journals. Search all of Summon or limit to articles only. Use the advanced search for more options.